February 19, 2025

Housing Finance Development

It's Your Housing Finance Development

CSG Advisors Becomes Nation’s Largest Majority Women-Owned Municipal Advisory Firm in the Housing Sector

CSG Advisors Becomes Nation’s Largest Majority Women-Owned Municipal Advisory Firm in the Housing Sector

Company Continues Leading The Way In Diversity

CSG has always been a progressive firm, and this is an example of how our team continues to lead the way.”

— Gene Slater, CSG Founder

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, March 22, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — CSG Advisors, a full-service independent municipal advisor with offices throughout the United States, is excited to announce that Nicole Graham (San Francisco, Principal) and Tanya Dempsey (New York, Principal), long-standing leaders of CSG, now collectively own 51% of the firm. Nicole and Tanya have been central to the firm’s growth and management for many years and helped expand the firm’s Housing Strategies Group work by 700% over the last 7 years. This new ownership structure makes CSG even more distinctive, as both the firm that has structured more housing transactions than any other advisor, and the nation’s largest majority women-owned municipal advisory firm in the housing sector.

In addition, the firm, which serves more than 60 state and local housing finance agencies, general local governments, and public housing authorities, has also applied for WBE certification.

Nicole and Tanya will serve as co-CEOs, with David Jones (Atlanta, Principal) as Chief Financial Officer. This step up reflects David’s integral part in the growth and success of CSG over the last 18 years, both in its financial advisory and quantitative services practice for housing finance agencies (HFAs).

These management changes will enable Gene Slater, Founder, and long-standing chairman, to focus his time exclusively on innovative strategies and financings, major development project negotiations, and legislative and policy issues that affect affordable housing throughout the country, while remaining a major owner of the firm. Tim Rittenhouse, who has been CFO and President, will similarly be able to devote more of his time to public agency clients.

Gene highlighted that these changes are part of CSG’s long effort to diversify and broaden ownership, continue its extraordinary level of in-depth service to clients, and advance the firm’s national role in innovations in the municipal finance industry. “CSG has always been a progressive firm, and this is an example of how our team continues to lead the way.” Beyond the role of women, CSG is 33% minority-owned and is expanding ownership to 11 senior employees.

For the firm’s many clients, such expanded management and ownership will help strengthen CSG’s long-term future and further unify its practice areas in municipal finance, development, and housing. Pointing to CSG’s strong growth in each of its practice areas and increase in the number of its professionals over the last five years, Gene sees these changes as enhancing “CSG’s core mission, of ‘helping public agencies leverage financing to build stronger communities,’ for many years to come.”


CSG Advisors Incorporated is a national, full-service, municipal advisor that assists public finance clients in the design, financing, and implementation of affordable housing, urban redevelopment, and economic development initiatives. The firm’s origins trace back 45 years through the creation of Gressel Gressel & Slater as the first firm dedicated exclusively to providing financial advisory services to housing finance agencies throughout the United States. We have represented over 100 clients, including cities and counties, state and local housing finance agencies, public housing authorities, redevelopment agencies, and universities, in structuring over $100 billion of financings. CSG Advisors is entirely employee-owned and independent.

Cindy Gersch
NEU Marketing Group
+1 315-486-0239
email us here
