December 5, 2024

Housing Finance Development

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St. Louis Affordable Housing Commission Triples Annual Awards, Supporting Nearly  Million in Housing Construction & Support Services

St. Louis Affordable Housing Commission Triples Annual Awards, Supporting Nearly $16 Million in Housing Construction & Support Services

This year, the Affordable Housing Commission (AHC) announces it has tripled its annual awards supporting the construction and preservation of affordable housing in the City of St. Louis. Totaling $15,747,128 million in grants and loans, this year’s allocation will support a record-breaking 46 affordable housing programs and fourteen (14) housing developments in the City of St. Louis.

“Stable affordable housing is a cornerstone for healthy communities and thriving families,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “By leveraging funds from the American Rescue Plan, the Affordable Housing Commission’s major investments will fast-track St. Louis toward more accessible and sustainable housing.”

Using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, the AHC awarded $9,601,294 in loans and incentives for the preservation and construction of 2,030 affordable housing units, including 345 new homes for low and moderate-income families. Additionally, the AHC awarded $6,145,834 from the City’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) toward support services that address the root of housing instability. New award recipients this year include:

  • Habitat for Humanity’s Home Repair Program, to make homes safe, accessible, and energy efficient for older, disabled, and low-income residents: $200,000
  • Migrant & Immigrant Community Action (MICA) Project, to assist at-risk immigrant populations build a foundation of stability: $120,000
  • Building Energy Exchange, to improve overall health, comfort, and affordability of low- and moderate-income homes by lowering energy bills and improving air quality: $63,000

“At the Affordable Housing Commission, our mission is to invest in housing and resources people need to become self-sufficient,” says April Ford Griffin, AHC Executive Director. “I’m proud of the investments we’ve made this year to create safe, stable, affordable housing. These new developments will help families build their lives and thrive. When people thrive, we all succeed.”

All AHC-subsidized projects must advance local sustainability initiatives, including offering energy efficient units and building within a one-half mile from public transportation. Projects must also remain affordable for up to 40 years. Nine of the awarded projects will create housing for the City’s lowest income households (≤20-30% of the Area Median Income), six of the rental developments will create housing featuring three or more bedrooms to accommodate low-income families, and five projects will provide Permanent Supportive Housing for unhoused and disabled residents.

The full list of this year’s project awards is below.

Established in 2003, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund was designed to adapt to evolving housing issues and provide annual support for important and innovative programs, services, and construction projects that address local housing challenges. The Affordable Housing Commission overseeing the trust fund has invested $143 million throughout the City in its lifetime, including $96 million toward housing services such as home repair programs; vacant property stabilization; and subsidies for rent, mortgage, and utilities as well as $46.8 million toward building more affordable homes.

Fall 2023 Projects Awarded 01/10/24

The Affordable Housing Commission approved the following grants/development applications for a total of $15,747,128.00 on January 10, 2024.

Construction/Major Rehabilitation
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Luthern Development Group Rooted Homes 2023 $980,000.00
Horizon Housing Development Company 1206-1210 Aubert $200,000.00
Sanctuary in the Ordinary 4050 Delmar Blvd. Project $300,000.00
DeSales Community Development Benton Park Place Apartments $500,000.00
McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. Brewery Apartments $1,000,000.00
Interfaith Residence dba Doorways Cooper House $1,000,000.00
DeSales KLS Group, LLC King Louis Square Apartments $500,000.00
McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. Murphy Park & Cahill House (Vaughn Associates) $1,555,859.00
McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. North Sarah Apartments $333,629.00
McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. Preservation Square IV, LP $500,000.00
McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. Renaissance Place at Grand (Blumeyer Associates) $256,806.00
Peter & Paul Community Services Sidney Street Emergency Shelter Expansion Project $1,700,000.00
Sanctuary in the Ordinary SITO-Baden $275,000.00
DeSales Community Development Virginia Plaza $500,000.00
Total Homes Produced:  $9,601,294.00


Education and Counseling
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Better Family Life, Inc. Financial Literacy/Counseling Program $80,000.00
Building Energy Exchange St. Louis Empower Housing: Energy Equity Initiative for Affordable Housing $63,000.00
St. Patrick Center Housing Support Program $100,000.00
Starkloff Disability Institute Universal Design Summit & Education Program $100,000.00
Total Education/Counseling Beneficiaries: $343,000.00


Education/Training & Rent/Mortgage Subsidies
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
DeSales Community Development “Here To Stay” Eviction Prevention Program $60,000.00
Employment Connection Project Homecoming $55,000.00
Park Central Development Corp. Community Resources Counseling Program $67,000.00
Total Education/Training & Rent/Mortgage Subsidies: $182,000.00


Home Repairs
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Habitat for Humanity St. Louis Habitat for Humanity St. Louis Home Repair $200,000.00
Harambee Youth Training Corporation Harambee Youth Programs $120,000.00
Rebuilding Together St. Louis Major Home Repairs $150,000.00
Total Home Repairs:   $470,000.00


Homeless Prevention/Shelter
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Assisi House Housing Program $75,000.00
City of St. Louis Dept. of Human Services Biddle Housing Opportunities Center (BHOC) $209,000.00
City of St. Louis Dept. of Human Services Biddle Housing Opportunities Center (BHOC) $550,000.00
Conflict Resolution Center Eviction Prevention Mediation  $250,000.00
Covenant House Missouri Genesis Shelter Program $86,915.00
Gateway Homeless Services, Inc. Gateway 180 Residential Emergency Shelter $450,000.00
Institute for Community Alliance Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Project $86,700.00
Interfaith Residence (Doorways) Doorways 2.0 Operations $150,000.00
Migrant & Immigrant Community Action Project Immigrant Comprehensive Well-Being $120,000.00
Our Lady’s Inn Our Lady’s Inn Emergency Shelter $80,000.00
Peter & Paul Community Services, Inc. Soulard Emergency Shelter $225,000.00
St. Martha’s Hall St. Martha’s Emergency Shelter $15,000.00
United Way of Greater St. Louis 211 Housing Plus $100,000.00
Total Homeless Prevention/Shelter: $2,397,615.00


Neighborhood Stabilization
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri Neighborhood Vacancy Initiative (NVI) $100,000.00
Tower Grove Community Development Corporation  ARCH by Homescreen: At-risk Renters’ Connection to Housing $50,000.00
Total Neighborhood Stabilization: $150,000.00


Rent/Mortgage/Utility Subsidy
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Cardinal Ritter Senior Services Senior Adults Find Encouragement $25,000.00
City Dept. of Health/Heat Up St. Louis, Inc. City Wide Heating and Cooling Utility Assistance $400,000.00
Criminal Justice Ministry Direct Service & Referral Network Phase 5 $60,000.00
Employment Connection Project Transition $50,000.00
Guardian Angels Settlement Emergency Assistance Program $106,000.00
Mission: St. Louis Employment and Community Health as One (EACH1) $100,000.00
Places for People Recovery Focused Rental Assistance $142,000.00
Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Urban League Housing Assistance Program $250,000.00
Total Rent/Mortgage/Utility Subsidy: $1,133,000.00


Transitional Housing
Agency Project/Program Name Awarded
Almost Home, Inc. Foundations to Success Program $80,000.00
Center for Women in Transition Baker House Reentry Housing $69,917.00
Center for Women in Transition Sharon House Recovery Home for Women $47,746.00
Community Women Against Hardship Family Support – Home FIRST Program $118,000.00
Criminal Justice Ministry CJM Reentry Housing – Phase 21 $100,000.00
Criminal Justice Ministry Let’s Start Reentry Housing Phase 5 $88,000.00
Covenant House Missouri Transitional Living Program $80,000.00
Gateway Housing First Housing Stability Program $150,000.00
Haven of Grace Residential Services $121,000.00
Hope House STL Hope House Supportive Housing Program $170,000.00
Interfaith Residence (Doorways) Doorways Housing Program $300,000.00
Interfaith Residence (Doorways) Doorways Jumpstart Program $40,000.00
Lydia’s House, Inc. Transitional Housing & Support Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence $39,556.00
Peter & Paul Community Services, Inc. Benedict Joseph Labre Center $150,000.00
St. Patrick Center Project LIVE $125,000.00
Total Transitional Housing: $1,679,219.00
Grand Totals: $15,956,128.00

Funding Includes:
* $9,601,294 million U.S. Treasury State and local Fiscal Recovery Funds
**Previously awarded yearly loan payment (FY2015)
***$100,000 awarded FY24 & FY25
